Fort Collins Coin Club Meeting Friday, May 4

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The next Fort Collins Coin Club meeting will be the first Friday in May, the 4th, at or normal venue, the Allnutt Funeral Home meeting room.  Door open at 6:00 pm for snacks, refreshments, coin talk and stories, followed by the regular meeting and auction commencing promptly at 6:30.

Here’s a couple of Cinco de Mayo coins to help you remember that the meeting is one day before!

Minutes from April 6, provided courtesy of Pres. Dan Y, who covered for me in my absence:

We had 36 people in attendance.

The ounce of silver attendance prize was won once again by “Lucky Gene” M, who is no stranger to winning these, and the $20 membership prize was won by Treasurer “Lefty Carlos” D., whom hasn’t won a prize since 8 track tapes were invented.  Here is a pic of Carl’s car:

Since our meeting venue is requesting that we vacate the premises by 9:00 PM, motion made and carried to start the business meeting at 6:30 instead of 7:00 pm.

Upcoming May coin show:

Denver Coin Expo, May 10-12.

Our Club Coin Show

Fort Collins Coin Club Winter 1-day show, Saturday, December 1.  Location is the same as last year’s spring show at the Lincoln Center in Fort Collins.

The Coin Club’s spring 2019 show date is to be determined.

By John B., Secretary

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